Sunday, 28 August 2011

Plants I Want In The Garden I'll Eventually Have

Prompted by the sudden memory of a bush that grew in the garden of the house I grew up in, and the two hour long search for its name that eventually ended in failure and having to ask my Dad who miraculously remembered*, I was set off on another planning jag for my imaginary 'one day' house.

Presented in no particular order, I give you plants that I wish to one day have in my garden.

Rose bush

Eucalyptus tree


Aloe vera

Lemon tree


Pacific blue (or Ceanothus papillosus roweanus)


Passionfruit vine

Silk tree


Daphne Odora

*It was the Pacific Blue, by the way, we called it The Bee Tree because bees absolutely loved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flowers are like by everyone and every one want to grow the flower in their home for make their home beautiful and attractive. The flowers are very small and sensitive; they can be damage by the high pressure of winds, light, birds and insect that’s why it’s not easy to grow flower at your home. Know the 4' Extension Greenhouse helps you to grow flowers at your own garden, this will provide a you safe place to grow the flowers and protect them form harmful facts.